Sunday, August 30, 2009

2 in one day after so long!!!!

I have made a promise to myself to get back to my blogging again. So I am overdoing it today!!. After a great 6 weeks of making, pottering, holidaying, tidying I now have to face facts that I must return to the work that pays the bills. I do love it really, but it always takes me a while to get back into the swing of it. So I thought I would begin today.
Did someone sneak in and wipe my brain at some point??
Things that were so cohesive and clear now seem like a maze to find. I am sure I would not have left them in silly places on my computer. I so love a bit of folder organisation, geeky I know, and proud of it. I found some of what I needed in the computer recycling bin!! Wonders will never cease. Thank heavens for the restore button.
I am trying to make a list so that I feel purposeful but the bags on the table that need to be stitched are calling me, the looking at twitter and other people's blogs is distracting me, anything in fact. I am slowing getting there and must make some progress tomorrow. In the mean time lets have a look back at things I have made and done this holiday:

A confession to make

lego house_0002
Originally uploaded by sequin girlie
I must confess that I am a closest Lego fan. I have no children of my own and so I can not use them as an excuse. Back in Easter I bought the lego death star set and I am still building it, over 3000 pieces. Recently I treated myself to a medium set that was a house and I decided to make a movie of me making it. It is not great but it is fun, nonetheless.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

A new passion

I have been making all the while I have been away but I have also become a step mum to a gorgeous little girl. I could not resist putting my making skills to use in this area and after many hours trawling the wonderful internet for ideas and much salivating in material shops I made these little numbers for her. Can't wait to see how the fit this weekend. Had to do the measurements from memory and using clothes she wears. Looking forward to making many more.