Sunday, April 06, 2008

editing photos

All is well, I have made a 2nd sale, one of my photographs. How wierd that on the day I write a big entry about sales, and post in the etsy forum and i end up with 2. WOnder if there is a link. THat will keep my spirits lifted for the rest of the month. Think about 2 or 3 sales a month steadily would fund my ability to keep making with out it becoming too over whelming. HAve spent most of today editing photos to have printed and then list on etsy. Need to start making the bag someone has asked me to do. Somewhere in amongst this fun stuff I have to do paper work for my job. Mmmm making or paper work. Let me guess which will win. Here is a peek at one of the photos i have been working on.

and another.

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