Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Trying to design a screen for printing

I have thought and thought about whether to buy a Gocco machine to print on fabric, and thought some more. Then I saw on wonderful lusummers blog about thermofax who print screens for you. So I think I will have a go at this first. Been spending a lot of the last 2 days working on creating the right image and trying to think how it would work. I would welcome people's opinions. The 2 are of a similar image but have come out quite differently. I am not so keen on the bottom one because part of the flower is cut off. What do you think?


lilgreenshop said...

Prefer the first one as well - think though that even more stem would be nice and balance out the flower.

Anonymous said...

I like the first one too but I must day that it's a very complex design if you are going to screen print it. I only say this b/c I tried my had at screen printing and had some trouble of a few designs that were too detailed. I'm sure if will work out nicely though. Think simple shapes and lines when you first start out, then you won't be disappointed like I was. Here's link to mine:


lilgreenshop said...

Yes I was looking at it again and wondering if you'd be able to get all the detail to show up on a screenprint. Keep us posted on how it pans out.

sequingirl said...

Thanks I think I shall go and have a rework of it. Less detail seems like a very good idea.